Total Cleanroom Solutions

Total Cleanroom Solutions

Total Cleanroom Solutions

Total Cleanroom Solutions






AIRTECH can also install Modular Operation theatres confirming to above standards if you opt for.
Modular Operating Theatre provides you with all of the benefits associated with Modular Construction with absolutely no compromise to quality or layout. We can provide much safer working environments when compared with traditional construction methods. Owing to the offsite element of modular construction there is far less disruption and noise to the surrounding area.

With the Modular Building System, the hospital can experience none of the compromises normally associated with Modular construction such as “bouncy floors” and unsightly columns. Our modular system is highly customizable ensuring the end user has no restrictions regarding layout, internal appearance and external treatments.

The AHU of each OT should be dedicated and should not be linked to air conditioning of any other area. During the non functional hours AHU blower will be operational round the clock (may be without temperature control). VFD devices may be used to conserve energy Window & split A/c should not be used in any type of OT because they are purely re-circulating units and have convenient pockets for microbial growth which cannot be sealed. The flooring, walls and ceiling should be non porous, smooth, seamless without corners and should be easily cleanable repeatedly. The material should be chosen accordingly

Validations of system to be done as per ISO 14664 - 1 standards and to be necessarily include:

  • Temperature and Humidity check
  • Air particulate count
  • Air Change Rate Calculation
  • Air velocity at outlet of terminal filtration unit / filters
  • Pressure Differential levels of the OT with respect to ambient / adjoining areas
  • Validation of HEPA Filters by appropriate tests like DOP etc
  • Maintenance of the system:
  • It is recommended that periodic preventive maintenance be carried out in terms of cleaning of pre filters at the interval of 15 days.